I am riding the struggle bus when it comes to posting, as evidenced by the abysmal number of entries this month. I have lots of excuses, and none are terribly interesting or important, so I won't bore you with them; I'll just consider this post a win because, Lord, did I have to psyche myself up just to write it.
What I'm Eating
I'm still hanging with the sourdough folks, which is shocking when you consider how quickly I lose interest in just about every new hobby I start.
Anyhoodle, in addition to some really pretty and tasty loaves, I've also been experimenting with discard recipes. So far, my favorites are crackers, specifically homemade goldfish, and crackers with everything seasoning. I'm also loving my bagel recipe.
What I'm Reminiscing About
Earlier this month, I celebrated my five-year anniversary at Not So New Job (which is really not so new anymore). I celebrated the fact that I made it through the first month, let alone the last five years. This job has challenged me in so many ways, and it really is a testament to my fortitude that I have made it this far.
Last week, the new District Attorney came by to observe an interview; she replaced our previous DA, who stepped down before his term ended, leaving behind a dumpster fire of a mess, not unlike the one I inherited in 2020. She was twenty days into the job and told me that she goes home every day and cries; I told her that I did that for the first month, so all she needed to do was hang in there for ten more days or so. I was lying; I probably cried daily for the first year, but girlfriend needed some encouragement.
She's already doing a great job and is going to be a kick-ass DA, but man, did I feel her pain.
What I'm Loving
The orchid Shanti and the Man-Cub got me for Mother's Day several years ago is blooming again! I have done absolutely nothing to care for this plant, yet it rewards me with blossoms.
Queen B came home for her birthday this past weekend, and we loved having her here! We celebrated the big 2-9 with brunch at a nice restaurant in Hooterville, where they surprised us with a slice of cake and a candle that took three attempts for Queen B to blow out.

What I've Been Up To
Mom and I convinced Shanti's mom to join us at Bunco this month, which was a lot of fun.
And I've been practicing self-care, including indulging in a fabulous ninety-minute facial at the day spa.
What I'm Working On
I'm embroidering a replica of the kids' wedding invitation, just for funsies.
What I'm Dreading
We are making some significant changes to our biggest fundraiser this year, including a change in venue. There are going to be some hurt feelings for some people who won't agree with the change, and I'm dreading the hard conversation that is going to have to take place.
What I'm Excited About
I'm excited for spring! The weather has been unseasonably warm the past couple of days and I am already giddy at the thought of planting my garden.
What I'm Watching
Queen B convinced me to watch Yellowjackets and I am equal parts traumatized and obsessed.
I also watched
The Gorge, which was a nice departure from cannibals.

What I'm Reading
I don't know if this counts as reading, but I am poring over my newest seed and greenhouse catalogs. Close enough!
What I'm Listening To
I've been tuned into the Candace Owens series on Brigitte Macron, and it is wild. I'm not saying I believe Brigitte is a man, but I have questions. Also, does it matter to me if Mrs. Macron was born a man? No, no, it doesn't. Do I take issue with the undisputed fact that she, at the age of 40, "fell in love" with a 14-year-old child? Yes, yes, I do. My day job kind of requires that I take issue with such things.
What I'm Wearing
Fewer layers than usual, thanks to the sunny days we are having!
What I'm Doing This Weekend
I am going to Mikey's baby shower with Shanti and the Man-Cub. What's that? You didn't know that Second Son Mikey was having a baby? My bad! In my defense, he and his new wife kept it a secret...along with the fact that he had a new wife.
There's some drama there, not gonna lie.
But that doesn't mean that we aren't going to shower this new little princess with gifts!
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
I am getting a haircut. While this may not seem all that exciting, it has been approximately seven months since I went to the salon, so I am more than ready. I broke up with my previous hairdresser when she canceled on me less than 24 hours before my scheduled appointment and right before she went on a three-month maternity leave, during which she was supposed to have scheduled me with one of her colleagues but did not. I would have been charged if I had canceled on her less than 24 hours before a scheduled appointment, so it was pretty shitty for her to do it to me.
The new stylist I am seeing came highly recommended and I am more than ready to meet her.
Favorite Purchase This Month
I bought a pair of beeswax bread bags in which to store my sourdough loaves. So far, I am pleased with how fresh they keep the bread.