Welcome Spring!! While March has flown by, I can't complain because it brings us that much closer to the day when I can get out in the garden and start planting!
Ms. Congeniality
Wife, mother of two, recovering Diet Pepsi addict and collector of OPI nailpolish....oh, and I really do want world peace.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
What's Up Wednesday, March 2025 Edition
Friday, March 21, 2025
Friday Favorites, Mid-March Edition
Because who am I kidding? A weekly post is clearly beyond my capacity, so it will be hit-or-miss on Fridays going forward. I'd be disappointed in myself, but who has time for that negativity?
One: Do you remember last May, when Mom and I attended the first White Barn Sale, and I purchased this amazing antique mirror?
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Are We On a Break?
Oh, Blog, what's going on with us? You've been so quiet, and I've been distracted. We aren't connecting like we used to. Are we okay? Will we ever get back to our normal rhythm?
Le sigh.
This may be our new normal; after all, my life has grown stale, so why would that not be reflected in this space? It's not you, Blog, it's me. I'm the problem. It's me.
I'll soldier on, though. We've come too far together for me to abandon you now, although, it must feel like that sometimes. But, hey! If you can tolerate mediocrity, we'll be just fine.
So, what have I been up to while I've been away? Well, Mom, Kristi, and I joined thirteen other friends for Bunco last week. The theme was St. Paddy's day, so I had one of my coworkers whip up a cute sticker for my water bottle.
Saturday, March 01, 2025
A Berry Sweet Shower
The Man-Cub and I just returned from the baby shower for Mikey and his new wife. Shanti had to work, so she couldn't join us, but she sent her well wishes and the gift that she and the Cub had picked out for the baby.
Three out of the Fearsome Foursome were together again (Tones was unable to make it), and it was such a joy to see these boys (men, now) back together again.
It's hard to believe that Second Son Mikey is old enough to be a dad, but then I remind myself that Hugh and I were 25 and 26 when Queen B was born and it doesn't seem quite as unbelievable since Mikey will be 28 in October.
I guess the most unbelievable thing is just how quickly time goes by.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Friday Favorites, February Edition #2, Which Should #4, But I Suck
So much for my goal of posting 52 Friday Favorites posts this year.
On the bright side, I'm here today, so, without further adieu, I bring you favorite number one:
The text conversation I had with Queen B, who was also shopping today; and who found the same tulips a mere eight hundred and ninety-five miles away.
Favorite number three is somewhat related to favorites number one and two:
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
What's Up Wednesday, February 2025 Edition